So here's the new blog theme. Before anyone whines about the text, at least wait until you read a whole story before you tell me if it's good or bad. I read that gray on black was like the second best color pattern for reading on a computer screen but I wasn't sure. Whatever, I tried it. Let me know in a week or two if it's destroying your eyesight and I'll change it.
So now that that's out of the way, the moment you've all been waiting for:
The winner to the story idea contest thingy is......*Drumroll*
The Naked Llama/Nix
Congrats Nix, your story will be the first one posted on Friday October 5th. You can collect your prize (A free preview of any story ever, whether it's in writing or ready to be posted) whenever you like, just email me ( with the story you want to see before everyone else (you can even see yours if you want, since it's already finished and ready to be posted ;)
Very cool. Congrats Nix.